Dr. Sanjeev Chopra IAS, Director at LBSNAA, Mussoorie visits CHSS

Dr. Sanjeev Chopra IAS, Director at LBSNAA, Mussoorie visited CHSS Campus

Dr. Sanjeev Chopra IAS, Director at LBSNAA, Mussoorie and Dr. Harpreet Singh - IAS, Addl. DG - Dr. MCR HRDIT, Hyderabad, interacted with Batch 1 Interns from Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) and discussed at length on topics like preparing for civil service examinations and not being demoralized by setbacks that we inevitably encounter. Dr. Sanjeev Chopra addressed students and motivated them to always work hard because only through hard work would they be able to achieve their goals. Dr. Chopra thus gave invaluable advice based on his life experience to the Batch 1 interns that will guide them in achieving their goals and ambitions.

Dr. Sanjeev Chopra then graciously did the honor of presenting certificates to each of the Batch 1 Interns upon completion of their one month internship. This event was also co-chaired by Dr. R Madhavi, Prof at Dr. MCR HRDIT, Hyderabad. Dr. Ramesh Kanneganti, Founder and Executive Director at Center for Human Security (CHSS), who organized this event gave a vote of thanks to Dr. Sanjeev Chopra and Dr. Harpreet Singh and presented a bouquet as a token of respect and admiration.